Friday, August 22, 2008
About me
I am a year 3 Life science major student. The reason why I chose to major in Life sciences is because I like Biology and Chemistry the best out of all subjects. I love the outdoors and playing all sorts of sport games. I particularly like those sport games that require team work. This allows me to interact and forge stronger bonds with my friends. I used to play basketball with my junior college friends after school frequently. However as time does not permit nowadays, we have since stopped doing so. Occasionally, we would still gather to do some outdoor activities like kayaking. Besides outdoor activities and sports, I like learning new languages. I learnt elementary French when I was in secondary school and elementary Korean last year during my summer programme there. I think languages are interesting because they are part of the culture of another country. I like learning about the culture of other countries. Having lived in Korea for about 2 months facilitates my understanding of their culture. It was a great and enriching experience for me. Although I like learning about the culture of other countries, I do not adopt them completely. I am very much still a traditional Chinese girl who embraces our own roots and customs. Personally I feel that all Chinese should be able to at least speak their own dialect. Dialects are important because they are part of our Chinese culture. In my opinion, we should promote speaking dialects especially to the younger generation as they are becoming more influenced by Western, Japanese and Korean cultures. I am not against people adopting these cultures. However we should not be influenced to an extent that we totally forsake our Chinese roots. Talking about Chinese culture, I am already looking forward to the mid-autumn festival that is approaching soon. My friends and I have planned a mini celebration at the park. :)
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I agree with you that we should promote our own culture, such as speaking dialects. We need this kind of identity which tells us who we are.