Friday, November 14, 2008

Final Reflection

I am glad that I have taken this module this semester. I have learnt a lot about communication theories that are beneficial to me in my daily life. Initially I thought that good interpersonal skills are the most important effective communication skill. This is because such skills, which facilitate interaction among people in our daily life, are the most frequently used skills. Now I understand the importance of the other aspects of effective communication. Being able to write well and deliver outstanding presentations are also important skills I would need in my everyday life, especially when I am going to step out into the working force.

Besides learning about interpersonal skills, resolving conflicts and practicing active listening, I gained other practical skills like constructing job application letters and resumes. Applying what I have learnt, I have already sent out a few resumes and job application letters to companies. As I am approaching the end of my pursue of a university degree, I am in the process of searching for suitable jobs. In the midst of researching for job vacancies, I realised that most jobs require applicants to possess good communication and interpersonal skills. Taking this module is definitely an asset for me. Now I can say with pride that I have learnt about the science of effective communication such that my communication and interpersonal skills have improved.

The project component of this module has given me a taste of writing an academic report. Although the process was tedious, I enjoyed myself very much. I had a pleasant learning experience throughout the process of doing the project. In addition, the oral presentation gave me a chance to practise my public speaking skills. In the workplace, I may often be required to present my findings or proposal to my team of colleagues. The oral communication skills I have learnt would enable me to present effectively with confidence.

This module has definitely made me well prepared for entering the workplace. One thing that made my learning process in this Professional Communication class so enjoyable is the company of my fellow classmates. I am delighted in getting to know this group of friendly and nice people. Although this module has come to an end, the learning process of communicating effectively is a life-long process. I am sure we would all put what we have learnt from this module into practice. Let us all say cheers to communicating effectively in our daily life!

Posted by audrey at 11:36 PM |  


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